Shopify: Your All-In-One Commerce Platform

Shopify is a community of entrepreneurs and creatives celebrated through these videos. We utilized graphic shapes, vibrant colors, and fast-paced footage of real makers to evoke excitement and inspiration in viewers. Layered live action, GIF-style animations, and tactile product cut-outs created an eclectic look representing the multitude of ways that real people use Shopify everyday.
Shopify -
Executive Producer
Emily Collins -
Client Manager
Megan Barbour -
Jennifer Vance -
Production Coordinator
Kelsey Usher -
Lead Editor
Flo Baumann -
Art Director
Sarah Johnson -
Storyboard Artist
Melissa Paralta -
Lead Motion Graphics
Rasmus Lowenbraat -
Motion Graphics
Alejandro De Hoyos Lechuga & Elaine Lee