T Brand x Google Holiday

In this Paid Post for The New York Times and T Brand Studio, we combined stop-motion openings with hand-drawn animation to bring Google's Holiday 100 gift list to life. By showcasing standout gifts in a bold, larger-than-life style, we highlighted how each item could effortlessly integrate into the lives of loved ones. The animations were simple yet dynamic, incorporating bursts of Google's signature colors to symbolize heartfelt letters from families searching for the perfect gift.
T Brand Studio
Executive Producer
Emily Collins
Michaela Olsen
Creative Producer
Megan Barbour
Animation Director
Hannah McNally
Kelsey Usher
Hannah McNally
Nivedita Sekar
Martha Halliday
Sabrina Chaney
Stop Motion Animator
Anthony Galante
Storyboard Artist
Nivedita Sekar
Christopher Mastellone